In the event I need to reevaluate the impact my mini hobby has on my kids, I should get my hands on a copy of the movie Tiny Furniture, which I read about in the New York Times recently. It was written and directed by Lena Dunham, a 23-year old who is actually the daughter of Laurie Simmons, the visual artist who created the Kaleidoscope House along with architect Peter Wheelwright. You can see a trailer here. The film, which is a coming-of-age flick, has gained some buzz because it won the top film prize at the South by Southwest Music and Media Conference.
While I cannot speak to the film's merits, I am intrigued by the fact that it takes place in Simmons' white, pristine Tribeca loft and features the real-life Simmons and Dunham's sister as her movie mother and sister. As the Times article notes, Simmons "makes photographs by moving teeny pieces of furniture around while juxtaposing them with larger human elements that don't seem to fit." Hmmm....
Image of Simmons and Dunham courtesy of Film School Rejects

On the tiny furniture topic, I picked up some boxed vintage Petite Princess (Princess Patti) furniture at FAO Schwarz this past weekend during a quick trip with my family. The store has a doll house shop on the second floor and while most everything was overpriced, there was a bargain basket of deals. My boxed set, which dates from the 1960s, was $10. I used every piece from the set in this scene: the mirror, round table, religious statue in the corner, photo frame and lighter in the credenza, and cigarette (no fooling!) on the desk.
Credits: Credenza, desk, lamp, and couch are vintage German; coffee table, mirror, and statue are vintage Petite Princess; chair is Reac; wastebasket is AG Minis; Ibsen book is handmade by Oese; artwork is a postcard of Fallingwater from their gift shop. Accessories are Re-ment, Manor House Miniatures, AG Minis, Pain d'epices, and a local rummage sale.