Growing up, I always loved sneaking up to my sisters' bedroom way up in the attic while they were out at school or with their friends. Eight and seven years older than me, they had lots of interesting things for me to check out: clothing, hair accessories, pocketbooks, and perfume. Diaries. Books. Letters. I could spend hours up there.
One sister, the eldest, is the impulsive dreamer with a funky side who always dated musicians; the other is type A, prim, and punctual, who always liked to match her clothing. I recently got two tea service-related sets and thought it might be fun to use the Villa Sibi to recreate their attic space (with many liberties, of course). By the way, doing this scene made me think of *annina*, one of the more amazing mini artists and photographers out there in my opinion. In addition to creating her own 1:12 furniture, she crafts scenes that are truly stunning. Her Flickr shots show her gifts -- pots and pans, clothing, books, etc., set in unbelievably realistic living environments. I wish I had a fraction of her talents, because I would have tried to re-create sister #1's tendency to leave her clothes strewn around, but alas, my mini world tends to be an orderly departure from the real world:)
I should mention that my sisters fought on occasion, being 15 months apart -- the bookcase, while used by both, and is a kind of dividing line.
Can you guess who is who?

Credits: beds, watermelon rug, modern tea set and small white table are by Bozart; wood bedside table is from the Villa Sibi; pink coverlet is from by Lolly's; bookshelf is IKEA; round yellow table and orange chairs are Wolverine; radio, light fixture, cat artwork, and whirligig are AG Minis; wooden couch is an eBay find; white bedside table is vintage Lundby; lucite table is Petite Princess; pink tea set and dollhouse are Re-ment; accessories by Re-ment, AG Minis, and Bozart.
Re-ment: The pink tea set is Princess Tea Party #1 and is a bit large for 1:12, but the storage dollhouse is good for 1:12. The blue bear on the bookshelf is from Toy Storage #7, and is large for 1:12, unless you use it as an over sized teddy bear. The pink phone and clock are from the Megahouse Living room #1 set, and are good for 1:12. The piggy bank on the top shelf of the bookcase is from the Primary School Stationary set #9, and it is perfect for 1:12. The pink purse is also from that same set, #6, and it's perfect for 1:12 as well.
One sister, the eldest, is the impulsive dreamer with a funky side who always dated musicians; the other is type A, prim, and punctual, who always liked to match her clothing. I recently got two tea service-related sets and thought it might be fun to use the Villa Sibi to recreate their attic space (with many liberties, of course). By the way, doing this scene made me think of *annina*, one of the more amazing mini artists and photographers out there in my opinion. In addition to creating her own 1:12 furniture, she crafts scenes that are truly stunning. Her Flickr shots show her gifts -- pots and pans, clothing, books, etc., set in unbelievably realistic living environments. I wish I had a fraction of her talents, because I would have tried to re-create sister #1's tendency to leave her clothes strewn around, but alas, my mini world tends to be an orderly departure from the real world:)
I should mention that my sisters fought on occasion, being 15 months apart -- the bookcase, while used by both, and is a kind of dividing line.
Can you guess who is who?
Credits: beds, watermelon rug, modern tea set and small white table are by Bozart; wood bedside table is from the Villa Sibi; pink coverlet is from by Lolly's; bookshelf is IKEA; round yellow table and orange chairs are Wolverine; radio, light fixture, cat artwork, and whirligig are AG Minis; wooden couch is an eBay find; white bedside table is vintage Lundby; lucite table is Petite Princess; pink tea set and dollhouse are Re-ment; accessories by Re-ment, AG Minis, and Bozart.
Re-ment: The pink tea set is Princess Tea Party #1 and is a bit large for 1:12, but the storage dollhouse is good for 1:12. The blue bear on the bookshelf is from Toy Storage #7, and is large for 1:12, unless you use it as an over sized teddy bear. The pink phone and clock are from the Megahouse Living room #1 set, and are good for 1:12. The piggy bank on the top shelf of the bookcase is from the Primary School Stationary set #9, and it is perfect for 1:12. The pink purse is also from that same set, #6, and it's perfect for 1:12 as well.