
Can't quite remember the last time I took a relaxing soak in the tub to just slow down and indulge. The Cubebot challenge was such great fun, but it really took a lot out of me. I enjoyed it all, but kept myself quite busy and focused on making it a success. Mini Modern posted about her win, and Fran let me know that she already received her goodies! Congrats again, gals, and thanks again to AREAWARE and to all the entrants.

A quick recap of this scene: the modern tub is a soap dish from Bed, Bath, and Beyond or Target, don't remember, with a faucet from a large scale kitchen set. I always hunt the clearance section for random bath accessories and other adaptable pieces. My rule of thumb: always take a look, and then a second look. If you see something you think you might just use, pick it up!

The side of the stairwell is covered in strips of yellow flowered washi tape. I love the stuff, and always pick up rolls when I see them. They adhere well and even come off quite easily. The flooring is wonderful paper from Lee's Art Shop. Heavenly!

The cork backing is actually a flooring sample from Lowes. They are not free, but are quite affordable at .99/each. The towel is cut from a piece of adhesive-backed felt from Jo Ann Fabrics; it can be shaped and draped quite effectively.

I hope to post some more updates on a few other mini projects soon...I've been getting crafty! Perhaps I will get to completing some work over winter break.

By the way, speaking of projects, if you have been looking for an Artply Highland and are up for some light renovating, Lori has one for sale for pickup in Jacksonville, FL. It's in great condition and just needs some updating. You can see an album of photos on the Call of the Small Facebook page. Lori is asking $150/OBO. Please email me if interested at call-small(at)call-small(dot)com.

Credits: Tub is a soap dish; plant is Manor House Miniatures in a Playmobil planter; side table is brinca dada; chair is by Pepper of MitchyMoo Miniatures. Accessories are AG Minis, Re-ment, Petite Princess, beads, and random eBay finds.

The time it took me: 57 minutes

Cubebot Challenge: The Winners!

The results are in for the Call of the Small/Cubebot Challenge

First, I want to thank AREAWARE for being true collaborators in the challenge. They were invested in the process, enthusiastic, and appreciative of all the Cubebot love. I also want to thank all of the entrants. The submissions, which came from all corners of the world, were all so creative and fun, and made great use of the new Micro Cubebot, as well as other Cubebots.

Congrats to all the entrants for their thoughtfulness, time, and humor (alphabetical by first name):

Anna - Italy

Jaz of Jazzi Minis - Australia

Mandy of Mini Modern Mind - The Netherlands

You can view all the submissions in the Call of the Small/Cubebot Challenge Flickr stream - there are more than sixty lovely photos!

The folks at AREAWARE and yours truly had a difficult decision to make in choosing the overall winner of the challenge and the runner-up, but we did come to a unanimous decision.

D R U M R O L L . . .

The WINNER of the challenge was cited for her incredible photography, natural lighting of the scene, and inventiveness in using her bot in a realistic-looking, chic, modern environment. We wanted to LIVE in this space. The WINNER is...

Mini Modern! Mini Modern wins $200 to spend on the AREAWARE website. Enjoy!

And the RUNNER-UP was noted for her creative use of the bot, with the environment cleverly reflecting the bot's cubed existence. And it is very festive, too, with wonderful photography and styling. The RUNNER-UP is...

Fran of FranMadeMinis! Fran will receive an assortment of bot-related goodies from AREAWARE! Have fun!

Congrats to the winners, and thanks again to all for participating and following along these past few months. I had a blast, and continue to be amazed by the depth and range of creativity in this mini community!