
The book cover project has been keeping me very busy these past few weeks, so I have not had much time to play around with my collection. It shouldn't surprise you that I have created a monumental mess as a result of this new endeavor since it entails lots of setups and accessories; I have definitely fallen behind in my mini house-keeping. There's furniture all over the place, tiny cups and saucers, books, shoes, rugs, you name it. To be fair, the mess was out of hand before I started the book cover, but now it has reached crisis proportions!

The chaos gives birth to some progress, though. I bought a new macro lens and flash for my Nikon camera and have been enjoying them.

The flooring is made of pieces broken off a placemat!

Do you ever switch up your equipment to produce different effects? I'd love to hear about your experiences.

Credits: Desk is by Patrizia Santi; chair is by Patie of minisx2; light is vintage Lundby; shelving unit is PRD Miniatures; round chair is CB2, spray painted black. Accessories are Re-ment, L.Delaney Miniatures, Ray Storey, Dragondee, Michaels, vintage eBay and dollhouse show finds.

The time it took me: 57 minutes